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Monday, December 14, 2020


 1.)anti matter

The particle gets stuck in the area with the weakest magnetic field, much like a marble rolling around the bottom of a bowl. Earth's magnetic field can also act as a sort of antimatter trap. Antiprotons have been found in zones around the Earth called Van Allen radiation belts.

Antimatter refers to sub-atomic particles that have properties opposite normal sub-atomic particles. ... More specifically, the sub-atomic particles of antimatter have properties opposite those of normal matter. The electrical charge of those particles is reversed.

Whenever antimatter meets matter (assuming their particles are of the same type), then annihilation occurs, and energy is released. ... In these colliders, beams of particles accelerated to a high speed collide (with a target or with each other), spewing out a bunch of more exotic particles (which include antiparticles)

It's true that when matter and antimatter meet, they do annihilate in a big explosion and convert their mass to energy. ... Scientists are neither interested in creating nor able to create enough antimatter to make a world-destroying antimatter bomb.

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